Thursday, September 19, 2024

Revolutions Season 10: The Russian Revolution by Mike Duncan: Review


(This is my first time reviewing this podcast on this blog--or at least, reviewing it as a whole. So, according to my new rules, I'm doing this as a video only review.)

Sorry, I know this video wasn't very good.  File this under:
1) The dangers of doing unscripted videos, and
2) I'm always sleepy when I film videos, because I have to wait for the kids to go to bed before I can film.
There were several things I had planned to talk about that I just forgot to mention.  And there were a few thins I mentioned that I wish I hadn't.  (e.g. My mentioning of Mike Duncan's mixing up of some of the names in the last few episodes--mentioning that was a pedantic nit-pick.)

Links to stuff mentioned:
My review of Young Stalin by Simon Sebag Montefiore

As I mentioned in my started post, half of this series I had already reviewed on my blog.
For my thoughts on the first 8 episodes (the prologue about Marx and Bakunin), see HERE.

I also started reviewing this podcast episode by episode from episode 63 (partly as a way to alleviate boredom during the Covid lockdown).  The links to those min-reviews below

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