Thursday, March 17, 2022

So, this was all completely new information to me.  I had no idea about any of it.  
I mean, I knew Poland had been wiped off the map for a century, and only became a nation again after World War I.  But that was it.  I had no idea that the newly independent Poland fought a war against the Soviet Union.  So, this was all new and fascinating to me.

...fascinating, and, if I'm being completely honest, a bit hard to absorb.  I've listened to this episode 3 times over, and I feel like I still only have a vague idea of who the players are, and what the Polish-Soviet War was about.
I think much of this is do to the way I've chosen to listen to podcasts--mostly as background noise while I'm working.  If I were to give this podcast my full attention for 30 minutes (and maybe even follow along with the transcript), I'm sure I'd have no trouble absorbing everything.
But I won't be doing that.  Not this week.  I'm just too busy, so podcasts are for background noise.

Still, I can usually follow the narrative on Revolutions Podcast.  I think it's that there was just too much confusing politics in this episode, and to many new people and things being introduced.

I'm still glad I listened to it.  And it would be an exaggeration to say I got nothing out of it.  For example, now I know that there was a Polish Soviet War in 1920--something I didn't even know before.

Also, yet another episode which involves Ukraine getting invaded.  As Mike Duncan pointed out on his Twitter, "Not really enjoying this absurd running sync-up with real life tbh"

And speaking of Mike Duncan on Twitter, over this past week, Mike Duncan deleted all his old tweets.
He didn't delete his Twitter account--the account was still there, but all the old tweets disappeared.
I got curious as to why he did this, and, knowing that there was an active community of Mike Duncan fans on Reddit, I searched Reddit to find the answer.  Sure enough, it was being discussed in the thread: Anyone know why Duncan might have nuked his Twitter account?
The answers in that thread are that apparently he does this every once and a while--he clears out all his old tweets every so often just to avoid the problem of having to be embarrassed by old Tweets. As someone who only recently discovered Mike Duncan, this was something I didn't know. (There's also speculation in that same thread that a secondary motivating factor might have been some unwanted attention that some of his tweets on Ukraine had been garnering, which might have caused Mike Duncan to do his periodic Twitter cleansing sooner rather than later.  Who knows?)  

Since I started these episode by episode reviews, I've often embedded Mike Duncan's tweets into my blogposts as supplemental information.  Which means that a lot of my old reviews are now going to have embedded tweets that will show up as blank.   (See, for example HERE).

Sigh.  Link Rot is a big problem in my blog archives.  But at least if you view this blog through the Internet Archives, you should still be able to see all of the original embedded tweets.

At the risk of compounding this error, here are some relevant Mike Duncan Tweets from this past week:  

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