Friday, June 28, 2024

Well, it looks like Google Podcast is finally gone.

I've been using Google Podcast to listen to my podcasts for the past several years now.  It was easy to access from a web-browser, it worked great, and it didn't require me to sign in or create a special account or anything.  (Don't even get me started on how cumbersome I found itunes.)

The good news is, I'm transitioning to Youtube Music, and it seems to be working pretty well.  So it looks like I'll still be able to listening to my podcasts without any major interruption.

The bad news is, on this blog I've linked to Google Podcast links many times over the last few years, and those links are all dead now.
Link Rot is unfortunately a big problem in my archives.  So many of the links I've used over the years are now dead.  And now, we can add all the Google Podcast links to that list.

I may have spoken too soon.  Now I'm having trouble getting my podcast to play on Youtube Music.  Hopefully they get the bugs sorted out of it before too long.

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