Saturday, September 21, 2024

Personalize the Theme of the Text: Communicative Follow Up

(TESOL Ideas--Communicative Follow Up)

Sample: docspub

Another reliable Communicative Follow Up is to have students respond to the theme of the text in some way.  
Here is an example I used from Impact 4.  The reading was about how an athlete (Amy Purdy) had overcome obstacles in her life.  So, for the communicative follow up, I asked students to write about a time that they had overcome obstacles in their own life.
Feedback is with a Gallery Walk.

You’ve been reading about how Amy Purday has overcome obstacles in her own life.  What obstacles have you overcome in your life?  Write about some obstacles that you have faced in the past, and how you have overcome them.


































Your classmates’ stories are posted around the room.  Read them.  Which stories are similar to your own life?  Why?

Name of classmate

What obstacles did they overcome?

Have you ever experienced any similar obstacles in your own life?  When?

Name of classmate

What obstacles did they overcome?

Have you ever experienced any similar obstacles in your own life?  When?

Which story did you like the best?  Why?

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