Monday, September 16, 2024

Model Text for Indirect Questions

(TESOL Materials--Embedded Questions)

Worksheet: docs, pub
[Notes: This video comes from Listen in English - Easy (Embedded).  (The same video can also be found on Youtube HERE).  Additional materials for this video can be found on Listen in English website HERE, and I've copied from some of their materials in making my own worksheet
Suggested lesson staging is as follows:
Lead-in: talk about a time you had an argument with a friend
Orientation to the Text: Explain who all the characters are, and what their relationship is to each other
* Gist task: Why is Jenny upset at Rob?
* Noticing Activity: cut up and shuffle the strips from the second page of worksheet.  Give one to each pair.  From memory, students arrange the strips in the order the questions occur, and then listen and check.  Answers are checked in open class feedback, and then students are given the transcript on the 3rd page of the worksheet.  They write in the questions in the blanks.  Then listen and check, and students are encouraged to make any changes if the wording in the video is different than the questions they wrote down. Finally students are given the answers.  They are encouraged to note any differences between what they wrote and the actual transcript.
* From here, move on to the clarification stage, and continue with the lesson as normal.


  • Jenny and Rob are dating.

  • Paul is Rob's friend from university.

  • Paul has been staying at Rob's apartment.

  • Jenny and Paul do not like each other.

  • Paul told Jenny that Rob wants to leave New York.


 the issue [n] - the problem

 work out [phrasal verb] - be successful

 I need a word [expression] - I need to talk to you.


1. What Paul told Jenny ______ true.

  1. is

  2. isn't

2. Rob _____ planning to leave New York.

  1. is

  2. isn't

3. Paul ______ Rob's apartment.

  1. is still living in

  2. has already left

4. Paul couldn't get a ticket to ______.

  1. Boston

  2. London

  3. Brooklyn

5. Paul couldn't get a ticket because ______.

  1. he was too drunk

  2. the buses were all full

  3. he didn't have enough money

6. Paul is leaving ______.

  1. tonight

  2. tomorrow

  3. next week

7. Rob already told _____ that he misses London.

  1. Don

  2. Kerri

  3. Jenny

8. Rob seemed ______ when he was with Paul.

  1. very happy

  2. out of control

  3. like a different person

9. Jenny thinks that she and Rob ______.

  1. have very different friends

  2. want different things in life

  3. don't really love each other

10. Don needs to talk to ______.

  1. Rob

  2. Jenny

Cut up and have the students put the questions in the order they were asked in the video

What did Paul say to you?

Why is Paul still in your apartment?

Does Paul have a ticket now?

What do you really want?

What is Paul like?

Do you really want to be here?

Is this going to work out?

Do we want the same things anymore?

What did you decide at the last meeting?

Rob: Hi Jenny.

Jenny: Rob.

Rob: Paul told me _______________________  and it's not true. I'm not planning to leave New York.

Jenny: Oh really? And could you tell me _______________________ ?

Rob: Well he couldn't get a ticket to Boston.

Jenny: You told me _______________________ , or was that another lie?

Rob: No, of course it wasn't. He couldn't get a ticket. The buses to Boston were all full.

Jenny: So do you know _______________________ ?

Rob: I bought it. He's leaving this evening. But that isn't really the issue here, is it? You have to believe me. I don't want to leave New York.

Jenny: How can I believe you? I know _______________________  because you said the same thing to Kerri at the restaurant. Look Rob, I'd like to know _______________________ .

Rob: What do you mean?

Jenny: When you and Paul were together, it was like you were a different person.

Rob: You know _______________________ . What was I meant to do? But that isn't the kind of life I want anymore. I'm not like that.

Jenny: I know_______________________ , but I wonder_______________________ . I wonder if...

Rob: Jenny, what is it?

Jenny: Forget it.

Rob: Jenny, what are you worrying about?

Jenny: I don't know_______________________ .

Rob: You're not serious.

Jenny: I just... I'm just not sure_______________________ .

Rob: That's crazy.

Don: Jenny. Oh, good morning, Rob.

Rob: Don.

Don: I need a word. Can you tell me _______________________ ?

Jenny: Right away Don. Rob was just leaving.


Write in the missing words

Rob: Hi Jenny.

Jenny: Rob.

Rob: Paul told me what he said to you and it's not true. I'm not planning to leave New York.

Jenny: Oh really? And could you tell me why Paul is still in your apartment?

Rob: Well he couldn't get a ticket to Boston.

Jenny: You told me he was going a few days ago, or was that another lie?

Rob: No of course it wasn't. He couldn't get a ticket. The buses to Boston were all full.

Jenny: So do you know if he's got one now?

Rob: I bought it. He's leaving this evening. But that isn't really the issue here, is it? You have to believe me. I don't want to leave New York.

Jenny: How can I believe you? I know you're missing London because you said the same thing to Kerri at the restaurant. Look Rob, I'd like to know what you really want.

Rob: What do you mean?

Jenny: When you and Paul were together, it was like you were a different person.

Rob: You know what Paul's like. What was I meant to do? But that isn't the kind of life I want anymore. I'm not like that.

Jenny: I know you're not, but I wonder if you really want to be here. I wonder if...

Rob: Jenny, what is it?

Jenny: Forget it.

Rob: Jenny, what are you worrying about?

Jenny: I don't know if this is going to work out.

Rob: You're not serious.

Jenny: I just... I'm just not sure if we want the same things anymore.

Rob: That's crazy.

Don: Jenny. Oh, good morning Rob.

Rob: Don.

Don: I need a word. Can you tell me what you decided at the last meeting?

Jenny: Right away Don. Rob was just leaving.

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