Monday, October 25, 2021

So, there's a new entry on the Revolutions Podcast feed, but it's not exactly an episode:

Episode 10.73 Episoded Delayed Until Next Week

You can click the link to listen to the audio explanation, or just see Mike Duncan on Twitter...

It's unfortunate, but it doesn't ruin my day.  I'll happily wait until next week.  In the mean time, I've got other listening material to keep me busy.  
A couple thoughts, though:
1) Like everyone else, I remember the bad old days when this stuff used to happen all the time.  (Everyone over 35 remembers losing a report because you forgot to hit "save", right?)  But these days, doesn't everything save automatically?  And isn't it much easier to go through the version history of documents?  I wonder what software he's using.
2) If it were me, the frustration of losing all that work would cause me to just give up and write something else.  I hope Mike Duncan doesn't do this.  I hope we still get something like the episode he had planned.  (By all indications, Mike Duncan is a much more focused and hard-working man than I am, so I imagine he won't do what I would've done, and he'll just get back to work on the episode.)

Some people on Twitter are giving Mike a hard time that he still hasn't gotten to the October Revolution.  (Apparently the episode planned for this week would still have been yet more set-up.) 

But I don't mind.  The more details the better.  Why is everyone in a hurry to get this revolution over with?  Give me the long version, please!

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