Sunday, July 19, 2020

Workshop: Presenting Grammar

(TESOL Worksheets--Workshops, Lesson PlanningAny Grammar Point)

Google Drive Folder HERE
Slideshow: slides, pub
Grammar Presentation Worksheets: docs, pub
More, Less Fewer Scrambled Sentences: drive, docs, pub
Lesson Staging: drive
Describe my friend: docs, pub

[Notes: This uses as examples two previous lessons I've done.  One is the lesson on More, Less or Fewer--although I re-worked it slightly for this workshop, and I actually use my original lesson as an example of the wrong staging.  The second is the so-such lesson from here--although when I actually presented this workshop, I found that two model lessons were too much, and I'd probably cut out the second model lesson if I did it again.
The materials on timelines (slide 70 onwards) was taken from a colleague, and not my own original work--as probably can be evident by the shift in presentation style.
The lesson staging PDF comes is something I've posted on this blog before HERE--and as I stated when I posted it before, it was designed by a colleague, not by me.]

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