Saturday, November 19, 2016

IELTS Express Intermediate Second Edition Unit 8 Listening p.66-69

(Supplementary Materials for Specific Textbooks--IELTS Express Intermediate)

Board Race: drivedocspub
PowerPoint for Board Race Feedback: driveslidespub
Listening PowerPoint: drive, slides, pub

Board Race.  There are 10 questions.  All of the questions are from pages 66, 67, and 68.  Work as a team to find the answers in your book.  Then write the answer on the board.  Only one team member may go up to the board at a time.  You may not bring this piece of paper or your textbook with you to the board.  The first team to get the correct answers to all 10 questions up on the board will get a prize.
1.  Is listening part 4 a conversation, or a monologue?
2.  What type of subject is listening part 4?
3. What are common task types in listening part 4?
4. In multiple choice with pictures questions, why shouldn’t you select an option just because you hear a keyword mentioned on the recording?
5.  When listening to a diagram, how can you avoided getting lost?
6. There are two kinds of labelling tasks.  What are they?
7.  In matching questions, what do you need to do?
8. In label completion questions, what do you need to do?
9. TRUE or FALSE: The number of words you should use to complete each gap is always the same, so you don’t need to worry about reading the instructions carefully.
10. After you’ve identified the keywords, you should think of  ______________ you might hear on the recording.  Also try to ______________ the answer.
1.  Is listening part 4 a conversation, or a monologue?
2.  What type of subject is listening part 4?
3. What are common task types in listening part 4?
note completion, labelling a diagram and multiple choice with pictures
4. In multiple choice with pictures questions, why shouldn’t you select an option just because you hear a keyword mentioned on the recording?
The pictures are likely to be quite similar.  You need to listen for those features which make the picture different.
5.  When listening to a diagram, how can you avoided getting lost?
Point to the part of the diagram being described.
6. There are two kinds of labelling tasks.  What are they?
matching questions, and label completion questions.
7.  In matching questions, what do you need to do?
You need to match features of the diagram to items from a list.
8. In label completion questions, what do you need to do?
fill a gap in a label, usually with three words or less.
9. TRUE or FALSE: The number of words you should use to complete each gap is always the same, so you don’t need to worry about reading the instructions carefully.
10. After you’ve identified the keywords, you should think of  synonyms you might hear on the recording.  Also try to predict  the answer.

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