Wednesday, September 29, 2021

The Grammar Book p.195, 197: Can anyone explain these parts to me?

(Commonplace Book)

From page 195, which talks about the conditions in which different ways of forming negative sentences can sometimes have negative meanings.
Semantic nonequivalence can also occur in the interaction of not-versus no-negation with quantifiers:
All the guests didn't drink wine. ≠ All the guests drank no wine.

 ***ENDQUOTE--italics, boldface, and indentation all in the original***

I have puzzled over this for so long, and I still can't get it.  Why are these sentences not semantically equal?  It has to have something to do with the quantifier, right?

And then from page 197, there's another section I don't understand.
It's talking about the difference between not versus no.  It says often they are the same, but sometimes there is a difference in meaning
When no-negation occurs, it is often in collocations such as see no reason; no more, no less; no longer; in implicit denials in existential constructions (There is no milk in the house) as compared with contrastive not-negation in explicit denials (There isn't any milk in the house);...

Again, I don't get it.  Why is one of these an "implicit denial" and the other an "explicit denial"?  What is the difference in meaning?

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