Monday, May 03, 2021

Hatfields & McCoys: TV Miniseries Review (Television Addiction)

This is part of my "Television Addiction Series" which I explained about HERE.  The Television Addiction series is part of my so-called "Scripted Review Series", which I explained about HERE.  For the original 2013 post on which this is based, see: Television Addiction Part 2: Oh the TV Shows I’ve Seen!

Hatfields & McCoys: A comparison with the oral family history [Updated]

Hatfields and McCoys (History Channel Miniseries)
            This hit the DVD stores in Cambodia a few months after it had aired in the US. 
            Via the Internet, I had known it got a lot of bad reviews from the critics, but I quite enjoyed it and many of my co-workers quite enjoyed it too.
            The Hatfields and McCoys occupy a funny bit of space in American history.  Because of references in pop culture, everybody knows that this feud existed (I remember first learning about it from a Farside cartoon [LINK]).  And yet no one ever teaches you about it in history class at school.  So every American knows that there was some bizarre feud between two families in the 19th century that ended up killing several people, but no one knows how or why it happened.  I’ve been curious to know the story for several years now, and, for all its faults, I thought this series did a good job of tracing the events of the feud, and trying to show the characters motivations in order to make the whole thing understandable.
            Maybe you have to be a history geek to appreciate this kind of stuff.  The critics probably hated it because they wanted something with a higher level of meaning, but if you’re looking for a miniseries that simply fills in your knowledge of a historical event, this one will do nicely.
            After viewing the series I also enjoyed this website (LINK ) that compared the oral history of the Hatfield clan with the TV miniseries.

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