Friday, July 28, 2023

Started: Harriet the Spy by Louise Fitzhugh (As I mentioned in the video, I think I was exposed to this back in my childhood. At the very least, I remember at least a couple passages.  So I think a teacher read it to me at some point in school, but I can't really remember clearly enough to say for sure.  So, maybe this is a reread?)

Here is a video of Book Street (where I found this book):


Whisky Prajer said...

As the father of daughters I simply HAD to read Harriet The Spy so we dutifully read the book aloud at bedtime. I don't know when the penny finally dropped that this was an awful person, but drop it did. The Phantom Tollbooth, even the Trixie Belden books were more sympathetic. Good luck!

Joel Swagman said...

I'm almost done with it now. I'm still trying to puzzle out what the author's main message is. Maybe that will come through in the last 20 pages or so.
Parts of this book are very funny and great, but the whole second half of it just seemed to lose structure and get repetitive.
I don't know. I'm waiting to see how it comes together at the end.