Monday, July 31, 2023

Harriet the Spy by Louise Fitzhugh: Book Review

Started: July 28, 2023
Finished: July 31, 2023

This is my first time reading this book, so according to my new rules, I'm doing this as a video only review. 
As I mentioned in the video, I remember a couple sections of this book from childhood, but I'm not sure if I ever read the whole book, or only sections of it.  So, since I can't remember clearly, I'm not going to count this as a reread.

June 30, 2023 p.1-164 

Playlist HERE:


Whisky Prajer said...

I'm glad you mention the LGBT crowd. They really like this book. They really liked the Harry Potter books too. But then JK Rowling started shooting her mouth off about Trans rights and that changed. I dunno -- when I was young I just assumed that everyone I idolized was a monster. But these days, well...

Joel Swagman said...

Oh wow, you actually made it to the end of the review then? Well, thank you for listening, sir. Sorry for all the rambling.
Yeah, that whole JK Rowling is a curious thing, huh? She had a whole generation loving her, and she threw it all away. For what? I don't know why she couldn't just keep her mouth shut.