Tuesday, November 02, 2021

From Gizmodo: The Scientists Are Terrified: A survey of the world’s top climate researchers shows a stark finding: Most expect catastrophic levels of heating and damage soon--very soon
The next step I guess is to make sure everyone is as worried about this as the scientists are.  Then maybe we can finally get some action done.

...okay, ready for a chaser after that depressing read?  This one is from The Guardian.  It's a few months old (published in May), but I believe still relevant. Dare we hope? Here’s my cautious case for climate optimism: The Green New Deal, formerly seen as radical, is now in mainstream debate. And renewable energy becomes more efficient every day  The crutch of the article is that things are changing so quickly it's difficult to know where we are going to end up.  But the key point is we need to keep pushing if we want to change.

...but (pessimism again), all those positive changes don't really matter unless we end fossil fuels, and our governments don't have a plan to do that.  From Gizmodo: One Weird Trick World Leaders Have to Stop Climate Change: World leaders don't need luck to stop climate change. They need a plan to end fossil fuel use.

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