Wednesday, February 15, 2017

IELTS Express Upper Intermediate Unit 6 Writing p.66-69

(Supplementary Materials for Specific Textbooks--IELTS Express Upper Intermediate)

Board Race: drive, docs, pub
PowerPoint for Feedback on Board Race Answers: drive, slides, pub

Board Race.  There are 10 questions.  All of the questions are from pages 66, 67, 68, and 69.  Work as a team to find the answers in your textbook.  Then write the answer on the board.  Only one team member may go up to the board at a time.  You may not bring this piece of paper or your textbook with you to the board.  The first team to get the correct answers to all 10 questions up on the board will get a prize.
1.  In Task 1 you are required to report information.  You should not ______________ or ______________ that is outside the given data.
2.  You may be given a diagram (e.g. ______________, ______________ or ______________) or a table.
3. For graphs, charts, and tables, you should start by providing a ______________ and then focus on ______________ in the main paragraphs.
4. You must refer to ______________ to support your points as well as ______________.
5.  In Task 1 you may instead be asked to describe other kinds of visual information, for example, a process or how something works, though this type is ______________.
6.  When describing a process or how something works, make sure you cover ______________.
7. The passive voice is very useful for describing a process.  But don’t use the passive voice for every single sentence.  Instead, make sure you use ______________.
8. Paraphrase the information in the diagram where possible, but take care that you ______________.
9. When writing task 1, decide which verb ______________  are appropriate.
10. Write a minimum of ______________  words and don’t spend more than ______________  on this section.
1.  In Task 1 you are required to report information.  You should not speculate  or offer an opinion that is outside the given data.
2.  You may be given a diagram (e.g. bar chart, pie chart  or line graph) or a table.
3. For graphs, charts, and tables, you should start by providing a clear introductory statement and then focus on key trends in the main paragraphs.
4. You must refer to specific figures and data to support your points as well as general trends.
5.  In Task 1 you may instead be asked to describe other kinds of visual information, for example, a process or how something works, though this type is much less common.
6.  When describing a process or how something works, make sure you cover all the stages shown in the diagram.
7. The passive voice is very useful for describing a process.  But don’t use the passive voice for every single sentence.  Instead, make sure you use a variety of structures overall
8. Paraphrase the information in the diagram where possible, but take care that you retain the same meaning as the information given
9. When writing task 1, decide which verb tenses  are appropriate.
10. Write a minimum of 150 words and don’t spend more than 20 minutes  on this section.

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