Wednesday, October 16, 2024

Vocabulary Lesson for Latin Word Roots "funct" and "spir"

Model Text: docspub
Quizlet: Word Roots: funct and Spir

[Notes: This activity was developed to supplement Vocabulary Expansion Activities p.149 from Reflect Listening & Speaking 5, but I believe it can be used independently with any lesson on root words, so I'm posting it here.
First, I give out the model text, and students answer the specific information questions.  After this task is finished, I collect all the texts back.
Then, for the noticing task, I gave them a version of the model text in which all the words had been blanked out, and posted the complete model text outside of the room.  The students had to reconstruct the text using a running dictation.  
Once the text had been completed, I clarified the vocabulary using Concept Checking Questions.  Then we played Quizlet Live to practice matching the words to the definitions, and then Kahoot to practice gap-fill sentences.]

1. What was the problem with the old machine?

2. What did the people try to do to fix the machine?

3. Why was it difficult to work on the machine in the hot office?

4. How did the excessive perspiration affect the work environment?

5. What was the impact of the dust on the people's health?

6. What did the people hope to do with the old machine?

7. Why was replacing the old machine difficult?

8. What did the people do to raise money for a new machine?

9. What happened to the money that was collected?

The old machine was nonfunctional and defunct, its gears grinding to a halt. Despite our best efforts to repair it, it continued to malfunction. In the hot office, we worked hard to repair it, and everyone started to sweat a lot.  The excessive perspiration made everything wet and slippery.  And because the machine was old and dusty, a lot of the dust got into the air and affected our respiration. Our spirits began to flag as we realized the machine was beyond repair. We aspired to replace it with a multifunctional model that could perform several tasks at once, but we knew it would be expensive. We started to collect money to fund the repair, but then several members of the office conspired to steal the money. 

The old machine was ____________ and ____________ , its gears grinding to a halt. Despite our best efforts to repair it, it continued to ____________ . In the hot office, we worked hard to repair it, and everyone started to sweat a lot.  The excessive ____________ made everything wet and slippery.  And because the machine was old and dusty, a lot of the dust got into the air and affected our ____________ . Our ____________ began to flag as we realized the machine was beyond repair. We ____________ to replace it with a ____________ model that could perform several tasks at once, but we knew it would be expensive. We started to collect money to fund the repair, but then several members of the office ____________ to steal the money.  

The old machine was nonfunctional and defunct, its gears grinding to a halt. Despite our best efforts to repair it, it continued to malfunction. In the hot office, we worked hard to repair it, and everyone started to sweat a lot.  The excessive perspiration made everything wet and slippery.  And because the machine was old and dusty, a lot of the dust got into the air and affected our respiration. Our spirits began to flag as we realized the machine was beyond repair. We aspired to replace it with a multifunctional model that could perform several tasks at once, but we knew it would be expensive. We started to collect money to fund the repair, but then several members of the office conspired to steal the money. 

The old machine was nonfunctional and defunct, its gears grinding to a halt. Despite our best efforts to repair it, it continued to malfunction. In the hot office, we worked hard to repair it, and everyone started to sweat a lot.  The excessive perspiration made everything wet and slippery.  And because the machine was old and dusty, a lot of the dust got into the air and affected our respiration. Our spirits began to flag as we realized the machine was beyond repair. We aspired to replace it with a multifunctional model that could perform several tasks at once, but we knew it would be expensive. We started to collect money to fund the repair, but then several members of the office conspired to steal the money.  

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