Tuesday, May 03, 2022

A really useful website for TESOL teachers: https://kahoot.com/

I've linked to individual quizzes from this website several times over the past few years (HERE, HERE, HERE, HERE, HERE, HERE, HERE and HERE).  But it recently occurred to me that I never introduced the website generally on this blog before.  So here we are.
Actually in my context, Kahoot has become so commonplace at the schools that I work at that I had just assumed everybody everywhere already knew about it.  But then recently it occurred to me that games and activities that are incredibly common in one context are often unknown in another context.  So I should probably introduce this website.
If you aren't already using it, it's worth checking out.  It's incredibly versatile both for grammar and vocabulary.  
Although if by some strange chance you've not encountered it before, be aware that it does require the students to have their own devices.  In other words, the students will all need to have their own smart phones or iPads or whatever in order for the game to work.
My own profile is here.  On my profile is both the Kahoot quizzes that I've created, and also quizzes that I've duplicated from other teachers.

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