Sunday, October 06, 2024

Model Text for Present Perfect in the Context of Job Interviews

(TESOL Materials--Present Perfect)

Slideshow: slides, pub
Worksheet: docs, pub

[Notes: The model text for this lesson comes from All Ears English Youtube ChannelThe staging is as follows:
Lead-in: Slide 1: show picture of zoo-keeper, and elicit (or provide) the word.  Slide : Students discuss with a partner: "Would you like to be a zookeeper?  Why or why not?​ What experience do you need to be a good zookeeper?"
Orientation to the Text: slide 3.  Establish the roles of the speaker during this role-play.
Specific Information Questions: slide 4-5: Why does she want to be a zookeeper?  What experience does she have?​  Play video from 8:43.
Noticing the target language: Hand out the first page of the worksheet.  Students complete the gaps, and then listen to the video again to check.  
Clarify Meaning: slides 6-11.  Model sentences are displayed.  Use Concept Checking Questions to check understanding.
Clarify Form: slides 12-14
...and that's it.  You can finish this lesson off with an interview role play for a free production task.  (And if you're looking for a controlled and semi-controlled practice to do before the free production, see here and here respectively)] 

In this roleplay, Aubrey interviews Lindsay for a position as a zookeeper. 

Aubrey: Thank you for coming in today, Lindsay, to chat with me. 

Lindsay: Well thanks for having me. _____________ great things about this company, I’m really excited for the opportunity.” 

Aubrey: Awesome! So, first tell me about your past experience. _____________ with animals before? 

Lindsay: Yes, _____________ animals, and _____________ a lot of time volunteering at a local zoo. 

Aubrey: Wonderful! What are you proudest of during your time as a volunteer? 

Lindsay: Well I was part of a team that planned and carried out improvements to a lion enclosure, and I was extremely proud of the outcomes. There was so much more space for the animals.  It was great. 

Aubrey: Did you find that experience very rewarding? 

Lindsay: Most definitely. Absolutely.  _____________ to make a difference for animals, and it was very meaningful to accomplish this goal. _____________ for some time to have the chance to do it again. 


In this roleplay, Aubrey interviews Lindsay for a position as a zookeeper. 

Aubrey: Thank you for coming in today, Lindsay, to chat with me. 

Lindsay: Well thanks for having me. I’ve read great things about this company, I’m really excited for the opportunity.” 

Aubrey: Awesome! So, first tell me about your past experience. Have you worked with animals before? 

Lindsay: Yes, I’ve always loved animals, and I’ve spent a lot of time volunteering at a local zoo. 

Aubrey: Wonderful! What are you proudest of during your time as a volunteer? 

Lindsay: Well I was part of a team that planned and carried out improvements to a lion enclosure, and I was extremely proud of the outcomes. There was so much more space for the animals.  It was great. 

Aubrey: Did you find that experience very rewarding? 

Lindsay: Most definitely. Absolutely.  I’ve always wanted to make a difference for animals, and it was very meaningful to accomplish this goal. I’ve hoped for some time to have the chance to do it again. 

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