Friday, October 11, 2024

Harvey Danger - Flagpole Sitta (Official Music Video)--Sharing Music I Like

I posted earlier about a classic song that I had recently rediscovered.  So, while I'm getting it out of my system, I might as well post about another classic song that I've recently rediscovered, and which has been bouncing around in my head the past couple days.

I was re-reminded of this song by a brief comment Todd in the Shadows made at the end of his most recent video HERE.  Which in turn was referencing another Todd in the Shadows video about this song HERE

Flagpole Sitta (i.e. "I'm not sick but I'm not well") is a song that was on the radio constantly back in its day.  Anyone who lived through the 90s remembers it well enough, I'm sure.  But enough time had gone by that I had completely forgotten about it until Todd reminded me.  
(Perhaps living abroad has made me more prone to forget about these old songs?  I suspect I may have gotten more exposure to them if I had been living back in the United States, just from hearing them on the sound system in stores and cafes, etc--See Adam's recent post on this subject.)
But anyway... for whatever reason, I hadn't heard this song in forever, and now that I'm re-listening to it again, I'm remembering how catchy it is.  What a great song!
As a result of rediscovering this song, the past couple days I've been singing it to myself constantly.  I didn't appreciate how great this song was when it was popular.

Not that I ever hated it.  I liked this song well enough when it was on the radio back in the day.  (I'd hum along whenever it came on).  But I was never huge into it.  I couldn't have told you anything about the band, or anything.

As Todd notes in his video, the band behind the song, and especially the singer Sean Nelson (W), was a huge awkward nerd, which is perhaps part of the reason the band stayed at a one hit wonder.  But, being an awkward nerd myself, it personally makes me feel all the more simpatico with him, and appreciate his persona all the more.
See, for example, this interview with him, in which he comes off looking like you're totally average intellectual, and not like a rock star at all.  Which makes him all the cooler, at least in my book.

Addendum: I'd forgotten, but Wikipedia reminded me that this song was also used as the theme song of Peep Show.  See my review of Peep Show HERE.

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