Monday, July 04, 2022

Sihanoukville, Cambodia, Spring 2012 (Stealing from Facebook)


Another Facebook album link.  (This is part of the project I explained about in this post HERE.) This is my 2013 trip to Sihanoukville, Cambodia.  On the way there, and on the way back, we stopped in a small Cambodia village where my friend and his wife had their house.  I thought the scenery of a rural Cambodian village was very charming, so I snapped some pictures, and included those in the album as well.  Which is why the Facebook album is labelled "Trip to Sihanoukville, Including Drive There and Back".  The pictures are in the album in chronological order, so hopefully it should be easy to determine what is what.  The first few pictures are the village.  Then, when you see the beach scenery, it's Sihanoukville.  And then the trip back.
On the "way back" portion, we stopped the van briefly at one point to get snacks, and I snapped some pictures of the mountainside.  And then those are followed by the pictures of my friend's village again.

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