Flashman and the Redskins by George MacDonald Fraser: Book Review (Scripted)
Video version of an old post (as I explained about HERE)
For the original post, see:
I use this blog for two different projects: my reviews and my materials for Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL).
Flashman and the Redskins by George MacDonald Fraser: Book Review (Scripted)
Video version of an old post (as I explained about HERE)
For the original post, see:
Finished: Sign of the Unicorn (The Chronicles of Amber #3) by Roger Zelazny...So, with this book finished off, I now have 3 book reviews pending that I have to find time to write--This one, plus Don Quixote and Chomsky's Universal Grammar: An Introduction . But as the other two are shaping up to be long sprawling reviews, and this review is (hopefully) going to be relatively straightforward, I may push this one up to the front of the line and do it first. We'll see.
The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo (2009): Movie Review (Scripted)
Video version of an old post (as I explained about HERE)
For the original post, see:
The Wug Test was apparently designed so that "Each "target" word was a made-up (but plausible-sounding) pseudoword, so that the child cannot have heard it before." But this can't possibly be true, because the word "wug" pops up in every linguistics book.
— Joel Swagman (@JoelswagmanJoel) February 27, 2021
Wikipedia source here.
Free-Born John: A biography of John Lilburne by Pauline Gregg: Book Review (Scripted)
Video version of an old post (as I explained about HERE)
For the original post, see:
Megamind: Movie Review (Scripted)
Video version of an old post (as I explained about HERE)
For the original post, see:
Video version of an old post (as I explained about HERE)
For the original post, see:
Started (Watching): Wandavision--I was hoping to avoid getting sucked into this, but... Well, what can I say. I got sucked into it. I actually started the first couple episodes yesterday, but today I got fully sucked in. So now I'm waiting for the final two episodes to get released, and then I'll come out with a review once it's all over.
Jackass Number Two: Movie Review (Scripted)
Video version of an old post (as I explained about HERE)
For the original post, see:
True Grit (2010): Movie Review (Scripted)
Video version of an old post (as I explained about HERE)
For the original post, see:
Introduction to the New Testament by Dale Martin: Review of a Youtube Series
The Informant!: Movie Review (Scripted)
Video version of an old post (as I explained about HERE)
For the original post, see:
The Men Who Stare at Goats: Movie Review (Scripted)
Video version of an old post (as I explained about HERE)
For the original post, see:
Video version of an old post (as I explained about HERE)
For the original post, see:
Kick-Ass: Movie Review (Scripted)
Video version of an old post (as I explained about HERE)
For the original post, see:
Hot Tub Time Machine: Movie Review (Scripted)
Video version of an old post (as I explained about HERE)
For the original post, see:
The King’s Speech: Movie Review (Scripted)
Video version of an old post (as I explained about HERE)
For the original post, see:
Nazi claim threatens to ruin Firth's Oscar night
‘The King’s Speech’ might get a post-Oscars nominations re-edit
Churchill Didn’t Say That
Flashman’s Lady by George MacDonald Fraser: Book Review (Scripted)
Video version of an old post (as I explained about HERE)
For the original post, see:
Richard III by William Shakespeare: Book Review (Scripted)
Video version of an old post (as I explained about HERE)
For the original post, see:
Scott Pilgrim Vs. The World: Movie Review (Scripted)
Video version of an old post (as I explained about HERE)
For the original post, see:
The Adventure of English by Melvyn Bragg (Abridged): Book Review (Scripted)
Video version of an old post (as I explained about HERE)
For the original post, see:
King Solomon’s Mines by H. Rider Haggard: Book Review (Scripted)
Video version of an old post (as I explained about HERE)
For the original post, see:
Finished: Don Quixote by Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra--I know, finally, right? This book was, as Whisky predicted, a bit of a slog to get through. But I'll talk all about my struggles to slog through this book in the review, so I don't want to get into that here.
The review might be a while. It's been so long since I started this book that I think I'm going to have to go back and review the first few chapters before I attempt to write up the review. So no promises on when the review is coming, but it'll be coming one of these days.
Turn Right at Istanbul: A Walk on the Gallipoli Peninsula by Tony Wright: Book Review (Scripted)
Video version of an old post (as I explained about HERE)
For the original post, see:
The Social Network: Movie Review (Scripted)
Video version of an old post (as I explained about HERE)
For the original post, see:
The article I referenced is here: https://web.archive.org/web/20120114021331/http://crushable.com/entertainment/the-social-networks-asian-fetish/
Flashman in the Great Game by George MacDonald Fraser: Book Review (Scripted)
Video version of an old post (as I explained about HERE)
For the original post, see:
The Butterfly in Amber by Kate Forsyth: Book Review (Scripted)
Video version of an old post (as I explained about HERE)
For the original post, see:
The Most Dangerous Man in America: Daniel Ellsberg and the Pentagon Papers: Movie Review (Scripted)
Video version of an old post (as I explained about HERE)
For the original post, see:
...unfortunately the Youtube version of this movie I linked to in the video description is no longer available online
Flashman at the Charge by George Macdonald Fraser: Book Review (Scripted)
Video version of an old post (as I explained about HERE)
For the original post, see:
BBC Radio Program on the Charge of the Light Brigade: http://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/b008md8x
Pelmanism (Memory Game) in Google Slides : How to make and play it online
I found this video tutorial useful when making my own Pelmanism Game. (In American English, we call it "Memory", but I've found "Pelmanism" to be the more common name in TESOL circles.)
After watching this video, I made my own version of it. It's a drastically simplified version of what is described in the video, but the same basic idea. I'll post it below for anyone who wants to use my version as a template (slides, pub). If you're playing it in class, you'll need to use the slides version (not the published version), and you'll need to make a copy of it so that you can delete the cards as you play.
In my class, I used this for an online lesson, but I think it could work just as well for an classroom if you used the projector. It's most obvious use is for vocabulary, but as I mentioned in my "Activities for Any Grammar Point" workshop, it can also be adapted for certain grammar points.
A Passage to India: Movie Review (Scripted)
Video version of an old post (as I explained about HERE)
For the original post, see:
Inception: Movie Review (Scripted)
Video version of an old post (as I explained about HERE)
For the original post, see:
Flash for Freedom by George Macdonald Fraser: Book Review (Scripted)
Video version of an old post (as I explained about HERE)
For the original post, see:
Toy Story 3: Movie Review (Scripted)
Video version of an old post (as I explained about HERE)
For the original post, see:
( TESOL Materials -- Countable and Uncountable Nouns , Quantifiers , CELTA Style Lesson Plans ) Google Drive Folder HERE Lesson Plan : drive...