Monday, January 18, 2021

Introduction to the Old Testament by Christine Hayes: Review of a Youtube Series

So, this is inspired by my so-called "scripted" Youtube review series, in which I am filming all my old reviews on this blog and making them in to Youtube videos (as I explained about HERE.)
In this case, however, I never actually wrote a review of Introduction to the Old Testament by Christine Hayes.  I just posted a link to it and recommended it.  But as I'm gradually working my way through my back-catalogue of old reviews, I decided that this lecture series needed some kind of review.  In part because this lecture series had a huge impact on me, and in part because I reference this lecture series in every subsequent book about religion that I've reviewed.  So I wanted to give it its own separate review on the Youtube channel before I start using it as a reference in my subsequent Youtube reviews.
Because I didn't have a review of this already made, I just did a rambling review where I turned on the camera and just talked.  I re-listened to the lecture series prior to filming this video, but I didn't make any attempt to write down or organize my thoughts prior to turning on the camera, and it shows.  I rambled on for 30 minutes, and then my camera automatically shut off.  (My camera automatically shuts off after 30 minutes.)  And I didn't get a chance to talk about even half of the interesting stuff in this lecture series.  But I suppose that's just as well.  There's no point in me recounting every interesting point in the lecture series, when you can just go and listen to the lecture series yourself


Whisky Prajer said...

Thanks for raising this series again. I gathered most of my biblical knowledge by an osmosis of sorts, drinking beer with my friends who were inching toward their doctorates on the matter. I miss this sort of chatter, frankly. I will definitely give it my attention.

Joel Swagman said...

Recommended! I found this series fascinating. I suspect you will too.