Wednesday, January 20, 2021

Error Correction Preferences Survey

(TESOL Worksheets--Classroom Management, Speaking, Needs Analysis)
Google: docs, pub
[Note: Students fill this out on the first day of class.  I make a chart with everyone's names and feedback preferences, and then use that chart to guide me when giving feedback throughout the rest of the term.]

Full name: __________________________________ (Nickname:_______________________)

Error Correction Preferences

How do you want the teacher to respond to any language errors that you make in the class?

  1. Immediate Error Correction--Stop me and correct me immediately during a speaking activity

  2. Delayed Error Correction--Don’t stop me during the speaking activity, but write down my error and at the end of the speaking activity, correct my error anonymously

  3. No Error Correction--Don’t correct my mistakes.  I want to focus on fluency, and will worry about accuracy later.

Presentation Feedback Preferences

How do you want the teacher to respond to your speaking in a presentation

  1. Immediate Feedback--Give me my feedback immediately after my group finishes our presentation (in front of the class)

  2. Delayed Feedback--Don’t give me my feedback in front of the class.  Instead, email me with my feedback after class finishes.

  3. No Feedback--Don’t give me feedback on my presentation.

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