Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Rules for Present Tense versus Present Continuous

Present Simple or Present Continuous

Which is used for

11.       A fact that is true for a long time (a state)


22.      A temporary activity


33.      An action that happens again and again (a habit)


44.      An activity that is happening now


55.      An activity or situation that is true now, but is not necessarily happening at the moment of speaking. 


66.      A planned future arrangement


77.      A fact that is always true


88.      Rarely used with state verbs (believe, agree, mean, think, doubt, imagine, understand, know, realize, suppose, remember, deserve, expect, forget, prefer, like, love, hate care, hope, wish, want, admit, belong, own, have, possess, contain, cost, seem, appear, need, depend on, weigh, come from, resemble, look, hear, taste, smell feel).


Match the number with the example:

____ Cats eat mice.

____ We’re meeting at 1:00 outside the restaurant.

____ Do you understand me?
            Not Are you understanding me?

____You can’t speak to Lisa.  She’s having a bath.

____He works in a bank.

____ She drinks ten cups of coffee a day.

____ Peter wants to be a movie star, but he’s working as a waiter until he can get a job.

____  I’m doing a French evening class this year.

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