Friday, January 27, 2023

Tet in Quang Ngai Province: 2023

(Travelogues--Quang Ngai)
(For more information about these videos, see HERE)

I've just gotten back from 3 weeks staying in Quang Ngai Province for Tet holidays, and here are a few videos from the trip.
Admittedly, I don't  have a lot of content from the last 3 weeks.  Partially this is because it was a rainy few weeks, which didn't lend itself to much excursions.  Partially this was because Tet holiday was spent mostly at family gatherings, and and not sightseeing.
But also, this is partially because I was just up in my wife's hometown in Quang Ngai back in June, and I filmed a lot of video footage back then.
My self-imposed rules for these video travelogues are still evolving, but in order to avoid spamming my Youtube feed with too many similar videos, I've decided that I won't film the same place twice within the span of a year.  That is, if I ever decide a certain location is worthy of filming a second travelogue video, at least 12 months need to have gone by since I last filmed it.
Now, this isn't to say I filmed ever inch of my wife's hometown last June--there's still a lot of ground I didn't cover.  But I decided I would wait at least a full year before I made another generic "wandering around Tịnh Hiệp Village" video.  (If we go up to Tinh Hiep again this summer, and we probably will, I'll try to do some more "wandering around the village" videos at that time.)
But for this trip, I limited myself to just filming specific identifiable locations.
These ended up being Ba To Park and Vincom Plaza--both of which were in Quang Ngai city.  And also Quang Lan Cafe--a little cafe in Tinh Hiep village that is run by one of my wife's relatives.  (I also cheated slightly by including some of the village scenery from behind the cafe.)

And playlist HERE:

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