Monday, January 16, 2023

I'm still following Jordan Peterson on Twitter.  And every day, I'm getting more and more disillusioned with him.
I frequently get the urge to write a blogpost about how I've completely lost respect for Jordan Peterson.  And then I remember, I already wrote that post last year.  And I refrain.
But it strikes me now that I was too nice to him in that previous post.  I started that post off by saying:
"God help me, I actually like Jordan Peterson". 
After the past year of continuing to follow Jordan Peterson on Twitter, I would like to revise that statement somewhat.  Jordan Peterson is an idiot.  A moron.  An opportunist.  A grifter.  A pea-brained social media addict incapable of processing complex ideas.

This is the Tweet yesterday that finally sent me over the edge. 
...but I've been thinking of writing some version of this post now for the past few months.  
Ever since he got reinstated on Twitter, Jordan Peterson has been constantly attacking climate scientists and spreading global warming skepticism.  Who does he think he is?  When did this become his aware of expertise?
That, plus Jordan Peterson--at least as he comes off on Twitter--is filled with bile. He is constantly furious at various people. 
He is also a bully.  He will occasionally use his huge platform--his millions of followers--to attack ordinary people on Twitter.

Whatever the reason, though, I'm done with the man.

This will be my last post on Jordan Peterson.  I'm unfollowing him on Twitter to eliminate the temptation of writing another post next year about how I'm even further disillusioned with him.  I'm just done.  Clearly there's no hope of anything intelligent coming from this man ever again.


Whisky Prajer said...

JP got others hip to the intolerance of Academia. But I think his day has come and gone, too. Even his hero Northrop Frye kept notes. I'm reading Margaret Atwood instead.

Joel Swagman said...

I have to admit, my current distaste for Jordan Peterson is intense enough that I'm having trouble remembering his earlier work fondly. And yet, I was sympathetic to him once upon a time. And I agree, he was right about the issue of intolerance in Academia. My problem is that he's since proclaimed himself a guru on every subject imaginable--from Covid vaccines to global warming. And he's become very intolerant of anyone who disagrees with him.
Margaret Atwood is I'm sure a much better use of your time.
...even though, I have to admit, I wasn't a big fan of the one book of hers that I read.

Whisky Prajer said...

I have to admit the only Margaret Atwood novel I have read is Cat's Eye which I loved and can still remember 30 years later. Maybe that's why I never read another Atwood novel -- I didn't want to disappointed(?).

I don't agree with her nonfiction but she is always well-written. Take the issues of Jian Ghomeshi for instance. Atwood and I could not be more opposed. But I love her for it!

Joel Swagman said...

Okay, you've got me curious now. I googled Margaret Atwood and Jian Ghomeshi. I had totally forgotten how Jian Ghomeshi was, but the google search reminded me. I think I heard about him from your blog.
I could find some links that said Atwood and Ghomeshi were good friends, but I couldn't find what she had written. What was her take?

Whisky Prajer said...

Atwood supports Ghomeshi ("I was always broken"), but I think his masochistic tendencies were at odds with the CBC brand, to say the least. I still don't want to hear Ghomeshi again -- it's all I can do to listen to his replacement Tom Power, never mind Ghomeshi. I understand Ghomeshi was also a horrible boss, which is also bad. Ah, well: Ghomeshi gets to make millions on Toronto real estate, so no tears from me -- only Atwood, who believes women can be just as evil as men. On this point she and I agree, but I do not believe Ghomeshi is to be fought for.

We agree to disagree, and that is (part of) what makes her so interesting. Margaret Atwood also writes really well.

Joel Swagman said...

I'll keep my eye out for Margaret Atwood's nonfiction ("Moving Targets" or others). It's probably time for me to give her another chance.
Thanks for the recommendation.

Joel Swagman said...

Okay, confession time, I just looked at Jordan Peterson's Twitter account again. (Sorry, sometimes morbid curiosity gets the best of me.)
Wow, that guy is really unhinged!
I mean, he is constantly lashing out at people and name-calling.
I guess that behavior isn't so uncommon on Twitter per se, but... the disconnect between Jordan Peterson's unhinged behavior (publicly unhinged behavior, no less) and the cult status he still has in some circles as a rational man of intellect is really puzzling to me.
I know he's not as respected as he was a few years ago, but still...