Friday, December 25, 2020

Impact 3 Unit 2 p.26-28 Reading and New Vocabulary

(Supplementary Materials for Specific Textbooks--Impact 3)

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1. What is a common misconception about snakes?

2.How does a snake’s skin feel?

3. What do cockroaches do to themselves constantly?

4. What do humans force cockroaches to do?

5. What do most wasp species not do?

6. Should we care about these misunderstood animals?

1. What is a common misconception about snakes?

2.How does a snake’s skin feel?

3. What do cockroaches do to themselves constantly?

4. What do humans force cockroaches to do?

5. What do most wasp species not do?

6. Should we care about these misunderstood animals?

1. What is a common misconception about snakes?

2.How does a snake’s skin feel?

3. What do cockroaches do to themselves constantly?

4. What do humans force cockroaches to do?

5. What do most wasp species not do?

6. Should we care about these misunderstood animals?

Match the words to the blanks:

aggressive, beneficial, control, crucial, decay, destroy, disgusting, ecosystem, filthy, germs, misconception, misunderstood, pest, poison, poisonous, slimy, sting, unpopular, untrue

Why are some animals popular while others are so (1)______________? In the natural world, every animal has its place and purpose. Nature doesn’t judge these animals--people do.  For example, it’s a common (2)______________ that snakes are (3)______________ and (4)______________to touch.  Not true! A snake’s skin is smooth and dry.  Another misconception is that snakes are (5)______________ and will attack humans for no reason.  Also (6)______________! Almost all snakes, even (7)______________ ones, prefer to escape or hide unless they’re surprised or attacked first. Snakes are very (8)______________ animals.

Snakes aren’t the only animals that are misunderstood.  People think that cockroaches are dirty pests that like to hide in dark, (9)______________ places.  They hate the idea that cockroaches eat garbage and dead animals as they (10)______________.  People also believe cockroaches are covered in (11)______________.

In fact, cockroaches clean themselves constantly, as much as cats do.  They prefer to live in clean places. It’s humans who, by trying to trap or (12)______________ cockroaches, force them to hide wherever they can in order to survive. Luckily for them, cockroaches are very hard to (13)______________.  They were here on the planet before humans appeared, and they’ll probably be here after we’re gone!

Wasps also have a bad reputation. Many people hate wasps because they believe that wasps (14)______________humans at a moment’s notice. Actually, most wasp species don’t sting at all.  Those that do sting are generally protecting their young, or responding to humans who yell or swing their hands at the wasp.  Some wasp species do sting caterpillars, spiders and other insects.  When stinging, the wasps inject their eggs into their living prey. The wasp larvae live inside and, when they’re ready to leave, they eat their way out!

Should we care about these misunderstood species? Yes, we should! Every animal species plays a (15)______________ role in the (16)______________. Some help (17)______________ other (18)______________ populations. Some help pollinate flowers.  Some eat mildew and mold and others protect food crops.  Some help contribute to medical research. Even misunderstood animals are necessary, and in many ways they’re (19)______________ to humans.


Why are some animals popular while others are so (1)unpopular? In the natural world, every animal has its place and purpose. Nature doesn’t judge these animals--people do.  For example, it’s a common (2)misconception that snakes are (3)slimy and (4)disgusting to touch.  Not true! A snake’s skin is smooth and dry.  Another misconception is that snakes are (5)aggressive and will attack humans for no reason.  Also (6)untrue! Almost all snakes, even (7)poisonous ones, prefer to escape or hide unless they’re surprised or attacked first. Snakes are very (8)misunderstood animals.

Snakes aren’t the only animals that are misunderstood.  People think that cockroaches are dirty pests that like to hide in dark, (9)filthy places.  They hate the idea that cockroaches eat garbage and dead animals as they (10)decay.  People also believe cockroaches are covered in (11)germs.

In fact, cockroaches clean themselves constantly, as much as cats do.  They prefer to live in clean places. It’s humans who, by trying to trap or (12)poison cockroaches, force them to hide wherever they can in order to survive. Luckily for them, cockroaches are very hard to (13)destroy.  They were here on the planet before humans appeared, and they’ll probably be here after we’re gone!

Wasps also have a bad reputation. Many people hate wasps because they believe that wasps (14)sting humans at a moment’s notice. Actually, most wasp species don’t sting at all.  Those that do sting are generally protecting their young, or responding to humans who yell or swing their hands at the wasp.  Some wasp species do sting caterpillars, spiders and other insects.  When stinging, the wasps inject their eggs into their living prey. The wasp larvae live inside and, when they’re ready to leave, they eat their way out!

Should we care about these misunderstood species? Yes, we should! Every animal species plays a (15)crucial role in the (16)ecosystem. Some help (17)control other (18)pest populations. Some help pollinate flowers.  Some eat mildew and mold and others protect food crops.  Some help contribute to medical research. Even misunderstood animals are necessary, and in many ways they’re (19)beneficial to humans.

Match the words to the definitions:

aggressive, beneficial, control, crucial, decay, destroy, disgusting, ecosystem, filthy, germ, misconception, misunderstood, pest, poison, poisonous, slimy, sting, unpopular, untrue

1. disliked by most people:  ________________

2. extremely unpleasant:  ________________

3. covered in slime:  ________________

4. behaving in an angry and violent way towards another person:  ________________

5. a substance that can make you sick or kill you if you eat or drink it:  ________________

6. an understanding of something that is wrong:  ________________

7. If an insect, plant, etc ________________s you, it causes pain by putting poison into your skin

8. extremely important or necessary:  ________________

9. false:  ________________

10. a very small living thing that causes disease:  ________________

11. an animal that causes damage to plants, food, etc:  ________________

12. If someone is ________________, other people do not understand that they have good qualities.

13. all the living things in an area and the way they affect each other and the environment:________________

14. to damage something so badly that it does not exist or cannot be used: ________________

15. being dealt with successfully: ________________

16. helpful or useful: ________________

17. extremely dirty: ________________

18. A ________________ animal uses poison in order to defend itself

19. to gradually become bad or weak or be destroyed, often because of natural causes like bacteria or age: ________________




















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