Thursday, June 11, 2020

History Quiz Simple Questions

I was teaching a lesson on "Questions for asking about Historical Events" (Time Zones 3, Unit 7, Grammar p.68-69).  I was searching for some very easy history trivia questions that my students might now.  This was the best I could find on short notice.

It's available at the link above from

I also made a copy in my own google drive

There are a few arguable facts here.  (The thing about Nero fiddling is a famous anachronism) , and there are some spelling and punctuation mistakes as well.  But I decided to overlook these, and I found it worked relatively well in my classroom.

In my class, I cut up the questions and answers.  I put the students into teams, and then had them try to match the questions and answers in their teams.  Then we played the Doraemon PowerPoint game as feedback. (drive, slides, pub

(I'm posting this on the blog to keep track of the material I've used.  I also am indexing it with my TESOL worksheets, and Past Simple Questions indexes).

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