Saturday, January 28, 2017

IELTS Express Upper Intermediate Second Edition Unit 5 Reading p.54-58

(Supplementary Materials for Specific Textbooks--IELTS Express Upper Intermediate)

Board Race: drive, docs, pub
PowerPoint for feedback on Board Race: drive, slides, pub
PowerPoint for Reading p.54-58: drive, slides, pub

Board Race.  There are 11 questions.  All of the questions are from pages 54, 55, 56, 57 and 58.  Work as a team to find the answers in your book.  Then write the answer on the board.  Only one team member may go up to the board at a time.  You may not bring this piece of paper or your textbook with you to the board.  The first team to get the correct answers to all 11 questions up on the board will get a prize.
1.  Sentence completion: Depending on the task type, you might be asked to select words __________________ or  ____________________ .

2.  In the IELTS exam, your understanding of the writer’s __________________ and __________________ is tested.

3.  Which type of questions often have to do with the message of the text.  (As opposed to the cold, hard facts.)

4. For sentence completion, make sure the completed sentence has the same meaning as the text AND is __________________.

5.  Don’t answer “Yes” because you think an answer is true.  Instead, check to see what __________________.

6.  To locate the information in the text, pick out the keywords in the statement, then find the information in the text by looking for __________________ and __________________.

7.  Will the questions appear in the same order as in the text?

8.  Does a hyphenated word (such as long-term) count as one word?

9.  TRUE of FALSE: When you are doing sentence completion from a list of options, you will need to use all of your options.

10.  TRUE of FALSE: When you are doing sentence completion from a list of options, only one option will relate to the information required.

11.  Why should you read very carefully to determine precisely what the writer is saying Yes/No/Not Given?
1.  Sentence completion: Depending on the task type, you might be asked to select words taken either directly from the text or  from a list of options .

2.  In the IELTS exam, your understanding of the writer’s ideas and attitudes  is tested.

3.  Which type of questions often have to do with the message of the text.  (As opposed to the cold, hard facts.)

Yes, No, Not Given

4. For sentence completion, make sure the completed sentence has the same meaning as the text AND is grammatically correct.

5.  Don’t answer “Yes” because you think an answer is true.  Instead, check to see what it says in the text.

6.  To locate the information in the text, pick out the keywords in the statement, then find the information in the text by looking for synonyms  and paraphrases

7.  Will the questions appear in the same order as in the text?


8.  Does a hyphenated word (such as long-term) count as one word?


9.  TRUE of FALSE: When you are doing sentence completion from a list of options, you will need to use all of your options.


10.  TRUE of FALSE: When you are doing sentence completion from a list of options, only one option will relate to the information required.


11.  Why should you read very carefully to determine precisely what the writer is saying for Yes/No/Not Given?
The question may relate very closely to an idea expressed by the writer but not have EXACTLY the same idea.  In this case you would answer Not Given.

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