Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Pros and Cons

Google: drive, docs, pub
[This is a pre-writing activity to use with students who are learning to write and advantages and disadvantages essay.  Students are put into pairs.  The teacher gives them one minute for each topic to come up with a list of as many pros and cons of each topic as possible.  At the end of the minute, the teacher calls on a student to give one pro, and other student to give one con, and then moves onto the next number in the list.  This is intended as a lead-in for this practice writing here (drive, docs, pub.]

What are the pros and cons of each topic?  Discuss with your partner

11.       Getting older

22.      Having a university degree

33.      Having children while young

44.      Being a vegetarian

55.      Living in a foreign country

66.      Owning a TV

77.      Using the internet

88.      Having pets

99.      Exercising everyday

110.  Driving a car

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