Sunday, March 30, 2014

Grammar Auction: Modal Verbs

(TESOL Worksheets--Modal Verbs)
Google: drive, docs, pub
[Divide students into groups.  Give each group a sheet with the sentences on them.  The groups have to bet on which sentences are correct, and which ones are not.  (It's also possible to do this game as a grammar auction, where students bid on correct sentences, but I find the game usually moves quicker if students bet.)  I start each team off with ten points.  No team is allowed to bet more points than they have at the time.  If they get the answer right, they double their bet.  If they get the answer wrong, they lose their bet.  
After the betting game has finished, I distribute the rules for forming modals and semi-modals.  Students then have to examine the incorrect sentences and decide why they are incorrect--matching the rule number to the incorrect sentence.]

Is this sentence correct?



How many points do you bet?

1. He can plays soccer.


How many points do you bet?

2. We can should do this.


How many points do you bet?

3. I have to come home early.


How many points do you bet?

4. You must do this.



How many points do you bet?

5. We can do this and we should do this.


How many points do you bet?

6. He can play soccer.


How many points do you bet?

7. You do must this.


How many points do you bet?

8. Can he play soccer?


How many points do you bet?

9. You mustn’t do this.


How many points do you bet?

10. I can play soccer.


How many points do you bet?

11. You don’t must do this.



How many points do you bet?

12. He cans play soccer.


How many points do you bet?

13. They should have to fix the car.



How many points do you bet?

14. He has to come home early.


How many points do you bet?

15. He have to come home early.


How many points do you bet?

16. We can and should do this.


How many points do you bet?

17. He haven’t to come home early.

can, must, should
have to
1. Modals come before the verb.
You must do this. Not You do must this.

2. The same. Semi-modals come before the verb.
You have to do this. Not You do have to this.
3. The modal is followed by the infinitive form of the verb (V1).
You must do this.  Not You must did this.
4. The same. The semi-modal is followed by the infinitive form of the verb (V1)
You have to do this. Not You have to did this.
5. When using a modal, there is no 3rd person “s” on the main verb.
He plays soccer.  He can play soccer. Not He can plays soccer.

6. The same. When using a semi-modal, there is no 3rd person “s” on the main verb.
He has to play soccer. Not  He has to plays soccer.
7. The modal does not use a 3rd person “s”
He plays soccer.  He can play soccer.  Not He cans play soccer.

8. Different.  The semi-modal "have to" changes to "has to" with a 3rd person "s".
I have to play soccer.  He has to play soccer.  Not He have to play soccer.
9. Two modals cannot be used together unless there is an “and” in between.
We can and should do this.  Not We can should do this.

10. Different.  The semi modal "have to" can follow another modal.
They should have to fix the car.  Not They should and have to fix the car.
11. When making a negative sentence, the “not” is used after the modal.  No other auxiliary verbs are used.
We must not do this.  Not We not must do this.  We don’t must do this.

12. Different. When making a negative with the semi-modal "have to", the auxiliary verb "don't" is used.
You don't have to do this.  Not You have not to do this.
13. When making a question, the modal is moved to the front of the sentence.  No other auxiliary verbs are used.
Can we eat this?  Not Do we can eat this?
14. Different. When making a question with the semi-modal "have to", the auxiliary verb "do" is used at the front of the sentence.
Do we have to eat this? Not Have we to eat this?

Why is each sentence incorrect?  See if you can match each incorrect sentence with the rule that it breaks:

1. He can plays soccer. Rule Number _______

2. We can should do this. Rule Number _______

7. You do must this. Rule Number _______

11. You don’t must do this. Rule Number _______

12. He cans play soccer. Rule Number: ___________

15. He have to come home early. Rule Number: __________

17. He haven’t to come home early. Rule Number:_____________

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