Monday, January 20, 2014

Past Simple versus Past Continuous Crossword Questions

(TESOL worksheets--Past Simple, Past Continuous)
Google Docs PDF Here, Answers Here
Questions for posting around the room: drivedocspub
Blank Grid: drivedocspub
[This is supposed to be a crossword puzzle.  Unfortunately blogger formatting can't handle a crossword puzzle.  So I'm just going to post the questions and answers here.  To make it into a crossword, go to a free crossword puzzle maker site, like Amored Penguin.  These questions are for young learners to teach them the difference between past simple and past continuous.  The answers are in the []brackets.]

Yesterday I _____ something. (see) [saw]
I ______ at a painting when my friend started talking to me. (look) [was looking]
Tuesday I _______ at the painting. (look) [looked]
Last week I ______ the gate. (open) [opened]
I ____________ the gate when the cow ran out. (open) [was opening]
I _________ a photo of the animal yesterday. (take) [took]
I __________a photo of the dog when it bit me.  (take) [was taking]
I__________ my homework when suddenly I heard a noise. (do) [was doing]
I _________ all my homework yesterday. (do) [did]
I __________ the photo to the teacher when the lion roared. (show) [was showing]
I ___________ the photo to the teacher. (show) [showed]
The teacher _________ my parents yesterday. (call) [called]
I _________ the bear was a cat at first. (think) [thought]
I ___________about school when I first saw the bear. (think) [was thinking]
The birds __________ a song when I walked home. (sing) [were singing]
You ______ very good yesterday. (sing) [sang]
The lion _________ all day when I went to the zoo.  (sleep) [was sleeping]
I _______ very good last night. (sleep) [slept]
I ________ to school when the bus hit me.  (walk) [was walking]
I_________ 3 miles yesterday. (walk) [walked]
Suddenly, I _______ the bear was in the house (realize) [realized]

Update:  To make this slightly more interesting, another option is to crop the worksheet on the photocopier so that students get only the grid (and not the questions) and post the questions around the room.  Questions for posting around the room are below, and on Google (drive, docs, pub).  The grid (without the questions) is also on Google (drive, docs, pub)

1 Across
Yesterday I _____ something. (see)

7 Down
I ______ at a painting when my friend started talking to me. (look)

3 Down
Tuesday I _______ at the painting. (look)

4 Across
Last week I ______ the gate. (open)

7 Across
I ____________ the gate when the cow ran out. (open)

5 Across
I _________ a photo of the animal yesterday. (take)

6 Down
I __________a photo of the dog when it bit me.  (take)

6 Across
I__________ my homework when suddenly I heard a noise. (do)

14 Across
I _________ all my homework yesterday. (do)

10 Across
I __________ the photo to the teacher when the lion roared. (show)

13 Across
I ___________ the photo to the teacher. (show)

12 Across
The teacher _________ my parents yesterday. (call)

15 Across
I _________ the bear was a cat at first. (think)

11 Down
I ___________about school when I first saw the bear. (think)

16 Across
The birds __________ a song when I walked home. (sing)

8 Down
You ______ very good yesterday. (sing)

17 Across
The lion _________ all day when I went to the zoo.  (sleep)

1 Down
I _______ very good last night. (sleep)

2 Down
I ________ to school when the bus hit me.  (walk)

9 Down
Suddenly, I _______ the bear was in the house (realize)

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