Sunday, August 04, 2024

Reduced Relative Clauses Naruto PowerPoint Game

(TESOL Materials--Reduced Relative Clauses)

Google: drive, slides, pub

[Notes: This is a Naruto PowerPoint Game.  As with all the PowerPoint games, I've included the links to the Google Slides version, but the game functions best if you download it as a PowerPoint from the drive version and open it as PowerPoint on your computer.
I made this game several months ago (I'm a bit behind in my posting of material).  I don't now remember where I got these sentences from, although I think I got them from somewhere--some book or some website.  Apologies for not remembering who to credit.
The answers are not on the PowerPoint, so when using this game in class, the teacher will have to act to confirm the right answers.]

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