Sunday, February 13, 2022

Weekly Reading Vlog #47: Herodotus p.426-428, Exodus 29-30, The Return of the King p.977-1106, 0z

(Weekly Reading Vlog)

Books (230 pages this week)
The Histories by Herodotus p.426-428 (2 pages) 
The Book of Exodus p.92-94 (Exodus 29-30) (From The Bible) (2 pages)
Tieng Viet 123: Vietnamese for Beginner p.10-11 (not yet complete.  Still studying.  Audio HERE.  Supplemental Audio HERE)
Podcasts and Audiobooks: (Not mentioned in the video)
Revolutions Season 3: The French Revolution 2nd Listening From:3.34a- The Republican Calendar To: 3.36- The Liquidation Process (from Revolutions Podcast)

The video of the shopping mall in which I got the new books is HERE.

For more information about what this is and why I'm doing it, see HERE.

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