Sunday, November 29, 2020

Update April 20, 2024: The original site is no longer working.  Here's a new link to another site that does the same job:

Half a crossword--

I've just discovered this website (it's popular at my new job) and I thought I'd share it.
I've previously posted about Crossword puzzle maker.  This is similar, but different.  You put in the vocabulary words, and it makes two crosswords--each with half the words filled in.  Students work in pairs to complete the crossword.  Students have to keep their sheet hidden from their partner, and can only give hints about the missing words (without saying or spelling the words directly.)  Working together, they each have to complete their half of the crossword.

This is similar to a traditional crossword, but the difference is that instead of the questions being pre-made, the students are now making their own questions.  So it's more communicative, and better speaking practice.

Also, it's much easier to make.  As much as I love Crossword puzzle maker, it does sometimes take forever to think of exactly the perfect question for each vocabulary word.  (Even just copying and pasting them from the dictionary is somewhat laborious.)  But with Half a crossword, you just type the words into the generator, and don't have to worry about question prompts.

And, you can save it as a PDF, so you can keep it in your files for future use after you make it.

1 comment:

Joel Swagman said...

Update: The original site has stopped working, but here's a link to another site: