Sunday, November 22, 2020

Abandoned: Longman Dictionary of Language Teaching and Applied Linguistics by Jack C. Richards and Richard Schmidt (Third Edition)

(Note: My wife is taking the baby to visit her cousin's family for a couple days, and I actually have some free time to myself for once.  Naturally, I plan on using that free time to catch up on my blogging.  I've got several books on my "Currently Reading" list (located on the left hand side of this blog) that I've actually abandoned long ago, but just haven't gotten around to admitting that I've abandoned .  I'm hoping to use the next few days to catch up on my abandoned posts.  If all goes according to schedule, there should be a few more of these posts over the next couple days.)

Started: I started this book back in August, 2015, although I created an official Started Post for this book somewhat belatedly on November 20, 2017.

In that 2017 post (and the two follow up posts: Started: Practical English Usage by Michael Swan and Struggling to Study Vietnamese) I went into some detail about why I started reading this book, how I was attempting to study it on Quizlet, what the advantages and disadvantages of using Quizlet to study this book were, and how I got distracted by other things.  (And later how using quizlet excessively gave me hand cramps.)

So no point re-hashing all of that again.  Follow the links above, or see the video below.  (I get into the whole story in the video.)
The only things to add are:
1) Even after my interests shifted to other projects, I tried to keep this book going on Quizlet somewhat.  I dropped down to 5 words a day instead of 100 words a day.  I stopped studying it for a couple months, but then tried to pick it up again a few months later.  But I tried to keep it going.
2) Eventually, though, I stopped completely.  I don't remember the last time I practiced this book on Quizlet, but I think it was about a year ago at this point.
3) At this point, I have no plans to start again.  I no longer see the value of practicing this book on Quizlet, and am going to use my time for other projects.

In fact, in retrospect, it's a bit hard to justify all the time and energy I spent practicing this book on Quizlet.  The bulk of that time was years ago (August 2015 to December 2016).  But back in the day, I did spend a lot of time practicing and practicing this book on Quizlet.  It's a classic example of how I will often study hard, but not study smart.  But at the time, it gave me a sense of accomplishment.  It made me feel like I was working toward a goal of being a professional.

Quizlet folder here  and here (the second folder is combined with Practical English Usage).

Video HERE and embedded below:

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