Monday, March 06, 2017

Life Pre-Intermediate: Unit 6 Stages of Life

(Supplemental Materials for Specific Textbooks--Life Pre-Intermediate)

I used this as a project to supplement Unit 6 (which is about Stages of Life)

Google: docs, pub
Short version (for completing in a single class): docs, pub

Stages of Life
With your group, decide on a stage of life to focus on.
  • Childhood (0-12)
  • Teenage years (13-19)
  • Young Adulthood (20-39)
  • Middle Aged (40-59)
  • Old Age (60-?)

Then, with your group, decide on
  • What are the good points of this stage of life?
  • What are the challenges of this stage of life?
  • Come up with 10 pieces of advice that you would give to someone in this stage of life
Group Plan

Decide on a group name:

Who are the members in your group?

How will you contact each other outside of class?

What stage of life are you going to focus on?

What are the benefits of this stage of life?

What are the challenges of this stage of life?

What are 10 pieces of advice that you would give to someone in this stage of life?
1.                                          6.

2.                                          7.

3.                                          8.

4.                                          9.
5.                                          10.
When is the presentation due?

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