Wednesday, January 29, 2020

Abandoned: Giết Con Chim Nhại bởi Harper Lee (HUỲNH KIM OANH & PHẠM VIÊM PHƯƠNG dịch)

Started: November 27, 2017

I don't think I ever stated this explicitly before, but when I committed to tracking which books I was starting and which books I was finishing, implicit in that was also a commitment to talk about which books I was abandoning.

I seldom make a conscious decision to abandon a book.  Rather, I realize that I haven't read a particular book for several months, and then consciously acknowledge that I long ago abandoned it.

So it was for this book.  I haven't been studying it for I don't know how many months.  And then I realized one day that my copy is no longer even on my bookshelf.  (My wife thinks she may have loaned it out to one of her friends, but it's been so long she can't even remember.)  And I've decided that rather than going through the trouble of tracking down another copy, I'm just going to admit to myself that I've abandoned this book.

The study plan I had devised around this book was always questionable,  It was a terribly inefficient way to learn Vietnamese.  But I might have persisted with it regardless.  I mean, it was kind of fun, I was learning a few interesting words. 
Except, I was spending too much time on quizlet again, and the hand cramps were beginning to come back. So when I decided to ease up, this was the first thing to go.

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