Friday, August 12, 2016

Life Pre-Intermediate Textbook: Unit 7 p.81

(Supplemental Materials for Specific Textbooks--Life Pre-Intermediate)

Transcript p. 81 (docs, pub)

Transcript p.81

Look at the transcript.  There are 6 mistakes in the transcript.  Can you find the 5 mistakes, and change them to the correct word?

People rarely say twins and triplets have similar emotions and feelings as well as a different appearance.  Well, these triplets also have the same wife. They are the Koralja brothers.  That’s Andrew on the left, Joseph in the middle and Robert on the right.  They all became chicken farmers fourteen years ago so if you add up their total years of service, that’s about twenty-four years.  And they all work for the New Jersey State Police so they deal with everything from funny crime to traffic accidents across the state of New Jersey.
People often say twins and triplets have similar emotions and feelings as well as the same appearance.  Well, these triplets also have the same job. They are the Koralja brothers.  That’s Andrew on the left, Joseph in the middle and Robert on the right.  They all became police officers fourteen years ago so if you add up their total years of service, that’s about forty-two years.  And they all work for the New Jersey State Police so they deal with everything from serious crime to traffic accidents across the state of New Jersey.

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