Monday, August 22, 2016

Life Pre-Intermediate Textbook: 7E Applying for a Job p.89

(Supplemental Materials for Specific Textbooks--Life Pre-Intermediate)

Lead in Questions (docs, pub)
Activities for vocabulary (docs, pub)
Slideshow for Vocabulary (slides, pub)
Write 4 Sentences (docs, pub) (A worksheet used to supplement the activity in the book)
Similar or different (docs, pub) (After writing the four sentences, the students have to walk around the room and check to see if their classmates have had the same experiences as them or not.)

Applying for Jobs

Have you ever applied for a job before?  

How many jobs have you applied for?

Have you ever written a CV before?

What information did you include on the CV?

What was the most difficult thing about writing a CV?

In your country, are CVs supposed to be handwritten or typed?

In your country, what information are you supposed to include on your CV?

In your country, should you include personal hobbies on your CV, or only business details?

Write 4 sentences about a job you have done.  Use action verbs





Write 4 sentences about a job you have done.  Use action verbs





Classmate name
similar tasks to me
different tasks to me

Match the words to the definitions:
assist, collaborate, coordinate, manage, plan, receive, supervise, translate

_____________________ to help

_____________________ to be in control of an office, shop, team, etc

_____________________ to formally welcome guests

_____________________ to think about and decide what you are going to do or how you are going to do something

_____________________ to make different people or things work together effectively, or to organize all the different parts of an activity

_____________________ to change written or spoken words from one language to another

_____________________ when two or more people work together to create or achieve the same thing

_____________________ to watch a person or activity and make certain that everything is done correctly, safely, etc
Match the words to the sentences.  You may have to change the form of the verb to match the grammar of the sentence.
assist, collaborate, coordinate, manage, plan, receive, supervise, translate

He's ______________ the police with their investigation.

The book has now been ______________  from Spanish into more than ten languages.

Students must be ______________ by a teacher at all times.

My manager is ______________ the new project.

The President will ______________ his guests in the dining room.

We're just ______________ our trip.

He used to ______________ the bookshop on King Street.

Didn't you ______________ with him on one of your books?
Conversation prompts:
If you are a student, think of the last time you assisted someone else with their schoolwork.  What did you do?
If you are working, think of the last time you assisted someone else with their job.  What did you do?

Do you have any collaborative projects at your work or school?

When was the last time you had to coordinate plans with several different friends?  What did you do?

Have you ever had to manage something?  What was it?

Think of something you had to plan.  (e.g. a vacation, a work project, a school project, etc.)  What did you have to do?

When was the last time you received guests in your home?  What did you do to make them feel welcome?

Have you ever had to supervise anyone before?  If so, why?

Have you ever had to translate something?  If so, what?


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