Wednesday, March 17, 2021

The Game: Penetrating the Secret Society of Pick-up Artists by Neil Strauss: Book Review (Scripted)

Video version of an old post (as I explained about HERE)
For the original post, see:


Whisky Prajer said...

Turns out I didn't need to give the kids this book -- PUA "techniques" became such a public talking point that "negging" etc ad nauseum was common parlance in their high school.

And members of the "community" have undergone some changes over the years. Strauss married, then separated, then returned to his wife -- I've no idea what his current status is, but he's taken a stab at using his rules as self-improvement techniques for hapless dudes with nowhere else to turn. And Roosh (a PUA of high standing) became a born-again Christian (commentary here -- again, I'm not sure what either fellow's current status on these matters is).

The n+1 piece is by Wesley Yang, over here. Looks like you need to log in, but it might be cached somewhere.

Joel Swagman said...

Thanks for the link. I found the first few paragraphs of that n+1 piece very interesting. And then I hit the subscription wall. (They hide that subscription filter by making you scroll down for it, don't they? I thought I was going to get the whole article for free, and then...)
But I found it interesting enough to Google to try to find an online version, and found it here:

Whisky Prajer said...

Ah, cool -- glad you hunted it down. It's been, what, 13 years? The paywall seems superfluous. Mind you, here we both are, poking it.