Thursday, March 04, 2021

The Voyage of the Dawn Treader: Movie Review (Scripted)

Video version of an old post (as I explained about HERE)
For the original post, see:


Whisky Prajer said...

I know I've seen all three of these movies, but I have only one memory from any of them: the wolves attacking the beaver hut (which wasn't in the book). Based on this I'm just going to go ahead and make a grumpy old man pronouncement: CGI renders everything the same, making it all of piece and forgettable. Narnia, the MCU, SWU ... all cut from the same grey cloth (mutter, mutter...)

Joel Swagman said...

I feel like I remember these films fairly well, but I've been mulling your comment over for the past hour or so and... I think you may be partially right. I don't think CGI makes these films completely forgettable, but they make them more forgettable. The CGI aesthetics does have a bit of a sameness to it. And the CGI action scenes are usually totally interchangeable.