Tuesday, August 31, 2021

A friend alerted me to this post on Facebook: Mississippi governor tries to explain his state's pandemic passivity: What explains Mississippi's passivity on the pandemic? According to its governor, locals' belief in "eternal life" has an effect.

The name on the Facebook Link puts it a bit more direct: Mississippi Governor: No Need to be 'so scared' of Covid if you believe in afterlife

I wrote in the comments to my friend's post: Now that's what I call leadership! That's why he's the governor and we're just ordinary citizens--so that whenever there's any kind of crisis, he can just tell us to calm down and remember everything will be perfect in heaven.

I also thought this Christopher Hitchens video was relevant.  I mean, I know Christopher Hitchens often exaggerated the evil of religion, but in this particular case, the shoe fits, no?

Christopher Hitchens - Religions are death cults

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