Thursday, June 17, 2021

Q: Skills for Success: Reading and Writing 4: Unit 8 Reading 2: Child's Play: It's Not Just for Fun p.220-226

 (Supplementary Materials for Specific Textbooks--Q: Skills for Success: Reading and Writing 4)

Google Drive Folder HERE
Slideshow for online teaching: slidespub
Match the definitions to the words: docspub
p.221-222 Questions: docspub
Write What You Think: docspub
Heading Match Activity: docs, pub

1. ___________________ to organize or do something

2. ___________________ decided before

3. ___________________ not obvious or easy to notice

4. ___________________ to make it more difficult for someone to do something

5. ___________________ In a sudden way, without planning or thinking carefully

6. ___________________ arranged in an organized way

7. ___________________ necessary

8. ___________________ obvious to everyone and easy to see or understand

9. ___________________ to control an activity or process, especially by using rules

10. ___________________ as a result

11. ___________________ involving a lot of different but connected parts in a way that is difficult to understand

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