Wednesday, March 31, 2021

Impact 3 Unit 4 New Words and Reading p.60-62

(Supplementary Materials for Specific Textbooks--Impact 3)

Google Drive Folder HERE
Listen and answer: docs, pub
Board Race: slides, pub
Crossword: drive (Answers)--made with crossword puzzle maker
Crossword (sentence gapfills): drive (answers)--made with crossword puzzle maker
Half a crossword: drive--made with half a crossword

1. What are two practical reasons for choosing clothes?

2. What are three psychological reasons for choosing clothes?

3.  What are two social reasons for choosing clothes?

4.  The clothes that we buy and wear have an impact on the planet.  What is this known as?

5.  What are four examples of natural material that clothing is made out of?

6.  What are two examples of synthetic materials that clothing is made out of?

7.  Many toxic chemicals are used to make what?

8.  What does the manufacture of cotton jeans require an enormous amount of?

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