Tuesday, December 19, 2017

English World 6 Unit 12 Grammar p.123

(Supplementary Materials for Specific Textbooks--English World 6)

Google Drive Folder HERE
Mingle Activity Questions from p.123: drive, docs, pub

Walk around the room and talk to 3 different classmates.  Ask them these questions, and write their answers in the boxes below.

Classmate 1:

Classmate 2:

Classmate 3:

1.  You are at school.  What’s happening in one hour?

2.  Do you wish you were somewhere else right now?  Where do you wish you were?

3.  Make sentences of your own.  Use these verbs: perform, build, win.

4.  What time did you arrive at school today?  What did you do then?  Make a sentence with After.

5.  What are you doing?  How long have you been doing it?  How about your classmates and your teacher?

6.  Talk about your classroom.  Use these verbs: paint, open, write, put

7.  Make your own sentences.  Start with these words:  I met…, I saw, I thanked….

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