Thursday, June 11, 2015

Youtube Videos Authentic Listening: How to Develop Healthy Eating Habits

I originally designed this listening to lead in to a lesson on healthy eating (for the Lifestyle Intermediate textbook).  But perhaps it can also be used on its own.
The Youtube video is here.  The PowerPoint Presentation is embedded below, and on Google (drive, slides, pub).  The transcript is on Google here (drive, docs, pub), and below.
I'm not sure this listening was my best effort.  Possibly I gave too many vocabulary words here (in the future, I think I'll limit myself to 10 vocabulary words).  And the listening tasks weren't that great, since they just relied on picking out sentences verbatim, and not on understanding meaning. But, for whatever it may or may not be worth.

Match the steps to the habits.
Step 1_______

Step 2_______

Step 3_______

Step 4_______

Step 5_______

Step 6_______

Step 7_______

A. try to eat small meals every three to four hours

B. feel the difference in your body

C. cook and prepare your own meals as often as you can

D. eat breakfast every day

F. plan healthy meals and make a shopping list

G. drink plenty of water every day

H. read nutrition labels

Match the steps to the supporting information:
Step 1: cook and prepare your own meals as often as you can._____

Step 2: plan healthy meals and make a shopping list. _____

Step 3: read nutrition labels. _____

Step 4: eat breakfast every day. _____

Step 5: try to eat small meals every three to four hours. _____

Step 6: drink plenty of water every day. _____

Step 7: feel the difference in your body. _____

A. Water hydrates the body and aids the digestive system.  And it’s calorie free. 

B. This will help you avoid eating processed and fast foods which are higher in sodium and fat.  Healthy low fat recipes and guidance are available in bookstores and on the Internet.

C. Aim for three small balanced meals and two snacks.

D. Pay attention to saturated fat, sodium, and sugar.  The higher the numbers, the unhealthier they are.

E. More energy and stamina as well as sharper thinking as you feed your body foods. 

F. Fill your cart with lots of fresh fruits and vegetables, wholegrain foods, and lean meats.

G. Breakfast helps to rev up your metabolism.   Make it a habit to eat something within the first hour after you wake up. 

1.  aid_______

2.  approach_______

3.  avoid_______

4.  cart_______

5.  digest_______

6.  digestive system_______

7.  facilities_______

8.  guidance_______

9.  grain_______

10.  habit_______

11.  hydrates_______

12.  lean_______

13.  metabolism_______

14.  nutrition_______

15.  optional_______

16.  rev up_______

17.  saturated fat_______

18.  sodium_______

19.  whole grain_______
A. something that you do often and regularly, sometimes without knowing that you are doing it

B. to change food in your stomach into substances that your body can use

C. a seed or seeds from a plant, especially a plant like a grass such as rice or wheat

D. the organs in your body involved with the digestion of food

E. help and advice about how to do something or about how to deal with problems connected with your work, education, or personal relationships

F. all the chemical processes in your body, especially those that cause food to be used for energy and growth

G. a type of fat found in meat, eggs, milk, cheese, etc. that is thought to be bad for your health

H. (of particular types of food) containing whole seeds

I. help or support

J. to make your body absorb water or other liquid

K. to become more active, or to make someone or something become more active

L. adjective meaning no fat

M. a small vehicle with two or four wheels that you use to push or pull a large amount of objects.  At the supermarket, you put all your items into this.

N. a soft, silver-white chemical element that is found in salt

O. the buildings, equipment, and services provided for a particular purpose

P. you can choose if you want to do it

Q.  to prevent something from happening or to not allow yourself to do something

R. the substances that you take into your body as food and the way that they influence your health

S. way of considering or doing something

How to develop healthy eating habits:
Good health is just a matter of taking a new approach to eating and making simple changes.
You will need: cooking facilities, a shopping list, healthy foods, breakfast, healthy snacks, and water.  Optional: books and Internet access.
Step 1: cook and prepare your own meals as often as you can.  This will help you avoid eating processed and fast foods which are higher in sodium and fat.  Healthy low fat recipes and guidance are available in bookstores and on the Internet.
Step 2: plan healthy meals and make a shopping list.  Fill your cart with lots of fresh fruits and vegetables, wholegrain foods, and lean meats.
Step 3: read nutrition labels.  Pay attention to saturated fat, sodium, and sugar.  The higher the numbers, the unhealthier they are.
Step 4: eat breakfast every day.  Breakfast helps to rev up your metabolism.   Make it a habit to eat something within the first hour after you wake up. 
Step 5: try to eat small meals every three to four hours.  Aim for three small balanced meals and two snacks.
Step 6: drink plenty of water every day.  Water hydrates the body and aids the digestive system.  And it’s calorie free. 
Step 7: feel the difference in your body.  More energy and stamina as well as sharper thinking as you feed your body foods. 

Did you know a study found that more than 16 percent of U.S. children and teens are obese?

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