Monday, April 20, 2015

Action Verbs: Match the verb to the picture

(TESOL Worksheets)
Google Docs Version Here
[At Google Docs on the link above, and embedded below, is a Microsoft word document containing various action verbs and pictures representing the verbs.  It is meant to be used with the same class as the action verb power point presentation in the previous post.  As with the previous post, this was intended for very young children at a very low level of English, and reflects the vocabulary used in English World 1.  The pictures are taken from the web after doing a Google images search, and are not my own.
At first, I give each student their own set of cards (which I have cut up and shuffled prior to class) and the students have to match the cards to the pictures individually.  Then as a follow up activity we play "Find Your Partner" in which each student is given either a picture card or a word card, and the students have to find someone with a matching card.]

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