Sunday, March 02, 2025

This Week in Booktube: March 2, 2025
(These are the Booktube videos I watched this week. As always, I encourage you also to check out each of the videos I've linked to down below.  Support Booktube.  And let me know what you've watched this past week.)

Google document: docspub 

Tell Tale Books: Feb 2025 review and the future

P. English Literature: Author Interview with Marieke Lexmond

Steve Donoghue: Video Response: Stop Reading Books You Hate!

baldbookgeek: 11 Years of Trying to Self-Publish – A Tragicomedy

Reading IDEAS: Agatha Christie Book Haul Beautiful 1950's Cover What's your favourite?

John A. Douglas: February Book Haul

Book Time With Elvis: Time to Bow Out - Channel Update

Bookish: How a Book is Destroying America!: Rand, Reagan, the 80s, Trump, and Elon Musk

Reading This Life: A Year Older, A Stack Taller: My 53rd Birthday Book Haul

BDUB: WOODSTOCK NATION: A TALK-ROCK ALBUM by Abbie Hoffman (Dedicated to Lenny Bruce) MC Mistabil Weldon

Bucky749: Zuru mini brands books : the Quest for Goosebumps.

Mindy’s Book Journey: The Third Rule of Time Travel Book Review

Steve Donoghue: Video Response: How to Deal with a Reading Slump!

CPL Radio: Books of the Week - February 24th, 2025

William's Library: Alternate History And Dystopia Book Collection Part 5

Dane Cobain: February 2025 BookTube Shoutouts [10 CHANNELS]

Steve Donoghue: A Chat with Sam! Answering Hannah's questions!

Michael K. Vaughan: Roger and I Battle Pennywise

jim’s books reading & stuff: No Video Today

Books I’m Not Reading: Book Review: Home by Marilynne Robinson (no spoilers)

Runes of the Lyre by Ardath Mayhar: Book Review

(This is my first time reading this book, so according to my new rules, I'm doing this as a video only review.) 

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Check out this book on Amazon:    (This is an Amazon Associate's Link.  If you buy anything through that link, I get a commission.)

Saturday, March 01, 2025

Started: Killers of the Flower Moon by David Grann

Check out this book on Amazon here:             (This is an Amazon Associate's Link.  If you buy anything through that link, I get a commission.)
Serious question: What is our long term objective in Ukraine?
Is it realistic for Ukraine to win this war?  Can Ukraine actually get back the land that Russia stole?
Or are we simply funding Ukraine for the sake of "making Russia pay"?

I know that in this war Russia is in the wrong, and Ukraine is in the right, but would it save lives and end suffering to just stop the war now?

I honestly don't know myself.  And I won't pretend that I'm well enough informed on the war in Ukraine to have an opinion.
But, based on my Facebook and Twitter feeds from the past 24 hours, I'm a little bit worried that liberals are falling into the trap of just being reflexively against whatever Trump is for.

That being said, let's state the obvious.  Trump and Vance are an embarrassment.  Just look at the way they conducted themselves.  (If you haven't watched the whole video yet, it's worth watching.)

It's impossible to watch this video and not come away with absolute loathing for Trump and Vance, and complete sympathy for Zelensky.  Trump and Vance acted like bullies, Zelensky acted like a dignified patriot.

But, I want to be careful about making the following leap of logic: "Because Trump and Vance are bullies, that means we have to continue to support the war in the Ukraine"

I don't know.  Maybe we do have to support the war in the Ukraine. What do I know?
(As I mentioned in a previous post, I used to be a principled pacifist, but as I've gotten older, I've realized that the world is complex, and sometimes there are no "one-size fits all solutions".  But my gut reaction is still to have sympathy with the pacifist position, so there are my biases.  As always, take my opinions with a grain of salt.)

But one thing I do know is that we shouldn't support the war in Ukraine just because Trump and Vance are bullies.  And after reading Facebook and Twitter this morning, I'm worried that this is where the left seems to be going at the moment: "Trump and Vance are disgraceful, therefore we have to support the war."