Monday, March 06, 2023

Mid Term Conference Self Reflection Form

Google: docs, pub
Notes: I developed this self reflection form after I had a number of mid-term conferences that sounded something like this:
me: Okay, it looks like you're passing everything, so you don't need to worry.
student: But I want to get a higher score.
me: Okay, well, it looks like you haven't done any of the homework, so you can do that.
student: I know, but I'm too lazy to do it.
me: Okay, well, like I said, you're passing everything so far, so you should be okay.
student: But I want a higher score...

In an effort to avoid having these conversations in the future, I started having students fill out a mid-term reflection form before the meeting, in which they first reflected on their own study habits, and then made a plan study plan based on the current weak points they have identified.  Then the student could meet with me.
I'm posting this form here on my blog because I believe the general idea could be useful for other teachers in similar situations.  However, a lot of the individual categories on this form are unique to my school and my curriculum, so you'll want to make a copy of this into your own google drive so that you can edit it to reflect your own situation and curriculum.  You can take my sheet as just an example.


Self-Reflection: Homework

I always do this

I sometimes to this

I never do this

Check the class summary and homework document

Extensive Reading


Online Workbook Q Skills

Completing the textbook exercises at home

Do the extra exercises on Canvas

Sign up for tutoring with study success

Self-Reflection: In Class Participation

I always do this

I sometimes to this

I never do this

I attend class

I arrive to class on time

I pay attention when directions are begin given

I participate in all class activities

I am texting or using social media during class

I come back from breaks on time

I go out of class during the lesson

I speak in English during class time

I do a lot of horseplay in class

Mid-Term Reading Test Score:

Are you happy with this score? (Circle yes or no)

Yes.  (No need to do anything further)

No.  (Make a study plan down below)

What can you do to study more and improve your score?  (Write your plan below):

What can the teacher do to support you in class?

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