Thursday, May 25, 2023

Adding Emphasis: Listen and Write

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[This comes from Impact 4 page 20.  It's designed to be used with the audio from the textbook, but for teachers using it independently, it can also be used with the teacher reading out the sentences.
The intended answers are:
The place (where) my sister loves to hike is the Himalayas.
The reason (why) I won’t go surfing is that I don’t like swimming in the ocean.
The thing (that) he loves about yoga is that it makes him feel relaxed.
What I like best about snow kiting is that it pushes me to my physical limits.]

My sister loves to hike in the Himalayas.

The place (where) ________________ is ______________.

I won’t go surfing. I don’t like swimming in the ocean.

The reason (why) ______________ is that _____________.

He loves yoga because it makes him feel relaxed.

The thing (that) _______________ is that ______________.

I like snow kiting.  It pushes me to my physical limits.

What I like best about __________ is that ______________.

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